6 point to 7 point conversion

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6 point to 7 point conversion

Post by smsazzy »

I have a Willans 6 point camlock Formula Car belt set. I want to add the 7th strap that goes between my legs and anchors in the middle. Do I have to buy an entire new bottom section, or can I simply add a submarine strap somehow?
Stephen Saslow
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Re: 6 point to 7 point conversion

Post by jpetillo »

I believe the answer is yes. I had my Safe-Quips rebelted since they had expired. I have their camlock. I asked them to add the extra strap you're talking about, and they just added it to the same loop as the submarine strap, and sewed it to them so all would stay in place.
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Re: 6 point to 7 point conversion

Post by problemchild »

I have been running a 7th strap for several years.
With my Willans belts, the crotch straps loop through the lap belts and are secured by the shoulder straps. That leaves an empty hole at the bottom of the latch mechanism. I just used a surplus crotch strap from an old set of belts as my 7th belt. No one ever bothered with it when the car was teched as they were not expecting it. If they had, I would have pointed out that it was not required so did not matter how old it was.
I am sure you could buy a new 7th strap for very reasonable price if you thought necassary.
Greg Rice
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Re: 6 point to 7 point conversion

Post by sharplikestump »

Ditto to what Greg says,
I have exactly the same setup on Willans. A little more bother (not much), but I feel there are advantages to both 5 and 6 point systems. The 6 point should help stop you from submarining w/o cutting you in two, and the center anti-substrap should help eliminate the camlock from getting up into your sternum.
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Re: 6 point to 7 point conversion

Post by brian »

A major benefit from the 7th belt is preventing reverse submarining. If you go backwards into a stop and are in a reclining position, there is nothing stopping you from squirting out the top. As the shoulder belts rotate, the waist belt will not be contained by looped submarine belts causing the driver to slide upwards. A taunt 7th belt will hold the lap belt and you in place. Having broken my neck exactly like this, I always recommend a 7th belt. A H&N device won't help either.
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