Low turnouts

SR Racing
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Re: Low turnouts

Post by SR Racing »

Everyone here has made excellent, valid and conflicting points. Which is why I don't think a concensus will ever be reached. The spec tire rule in FST worked because it was a ground roots effort by a handfull of drivers and a new class. Once established it is easy to maintain. FV consists of hundreds of cars, drivers, across regional, national and even some non-scca venues. I wish something could be worked out that would not split the group, but this has been discussed for at least 10+ years that I am aware of. With very few regional exceptions nothing has happened. I really think that tires are not going to result in any significant increased FV involvement even if you could get concensus. Tire cost is certainly a part of the equation, but I think the bigger issue is the simple lack of involvement by newbies. Without new people to fill the fields, free tires wouldn't help. :lol:
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Re: Low turnouts

Post by twofoot »

Well folks, here's a little more fuel for the fire.

I work for a cable network. A pretty big one, and we do a lot of sports like the PBR rodeo, NHL, Tour de France, etc. I contacted the SCCA president and his minions regarding putting races from various tracks on the network. Not one of them bothered to respond to the inquiries made from my work email address.
At least a "no thanks" would have been better than absolutely nothing.

You'd think they would be more than mildly interested in gaining exposure for the SCCA! I wanted to feature FV, FST, DSR and one of the GT/sedan classes in the show.

Once again, our membership dollars hard at work! :roll:


PS-I'll still take the free tires... :P
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Re: Low turnouts

Post by wroché29 »


Being in the industry; you should, no doubt, understand our executroids' reluctance to begin any negotiations with a new cable network.

They've worked very hard indeed to secure our 0h-dark-thirty run-offs coverage on SPEED. Getting those re-runs of PINKS and whatever that Cuban guy's show is called must have taken some shrewd negotiations!

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Bill Roché
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Re: Low turnouts

Post by twofoot »

I actually edited for the Run-Offs when Speed was known as Speedvision. If I recall, they only have the rights to the Run Offs since Valvoline was footing the bill. They want nothing to do with the SCCA otherwise (exception is the semi-pro World Challenge). "All NASCAR all the time" is their mantra.

I work for Versus, which used to be Outdoor Life (OLN). You'd think someone offering to make television programs from their events and not asking for money would be a good thing. Right?

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Re: Low turnouts

Post by problemchild »

One bonus of spec tires .... for those that like to tune our cars handling. Without the constant tire degradation, your car is much more likely to handle the same most laps of most sessions. You can actually tune the car and develop/evolve performance improvements because of a much more consistant handling platform. Not as easy as bolting on new rubber but much more rewarding IMO.
Greg Rice
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Re: Low turnouts

Post by brian »

I don't think I'd claim ownership for post production work on the Runoffs. 30 minutes of watching the leaders is not what I call a show. That aside, we got the current "coverage" of the Runoffs because we gave the pro series naming to Speed. Without the Challenge series their would be no coverage.
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Re: Low turnouts

Post by twofoot »

brian wrote:I don't think I'd claim ownership for post production work on the Runoffs. 30 minutes of watching the leaders is not what I call a show.
OUCH! :shock:
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Re: Low turnouts

Post by butchdeer »

I'll ask again. Is there anyone who reads this board that has got any sponsorship or in any way had there racing program helped in a financial way by having the runoff's televised? Obviously the only ones who watch are the participants and a few other bored in November SCCA members.
FV since1963
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Re: Low turnouts

Post by Speedsport »

Hey! What was wrong with 30 minutes of watching the leaders????? :mrgreen:
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Re: Low turnouts

Post by OhioMark »

Hey now Butch!

I'm one of the bored watchers! It can't be any worse than having to watch "All Pinks , all the time"! The fact that we have
over 130+ replies shows that this class still has a passionate following and all attempts should be made to grow it. The
FST model has proven that spec tires work and many new drivers are heading that way because of the reduced costs
associated with it. Sure, they're having their growing pains but they're growing which is better than half of the SCCA
classes at the moment. It's no shame to copy what works etc........Thanks!

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Re: Low turnouts

Post by butchdeer »

Hey, I'm glad I can watch my SCCA buddies on speed at noon weekdays in November. I just don't think it gets new people to buy a car and come out and race with us. I also think It does me no good to put it in my sponsorship proposal to any Fortune 500 company. I still do not know any club racer that has raised any sponsor money because of our TV package.
FV since1963
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