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Mid Ohio "PRO" FV

Posted: July 5th, 2014, 1:18 pm
by BLS
Race 1:

1. Stevan Davis
2. Gary Blanarik
3. Tyler Hunter

Re: Mid Ohio "PRO" FV

Posted: July 6th, 2014, 7:22 am
by brian
28 vees took the green yesterday under great conditions at Mid Ohio. There was a classic 6 car train fighting for the lead unabated by other traffic, that lasted the entire race with the finish still uncertain on the last lap. Stevan Davis held off Gary Blanarik, Tyler Hunter, Brandon and Andrew Abbott for the win. In classic form there were several sub groups that battled for position the entire race. Promoters and spectators were very impressed with the vee race and talks have begun to do more of these events in 2015.

Stay tuned for Sunday's results.

Re: Mid Ohio "PRO" FV

Posted: July 6th, 2014, 12:59 pm
by BLS
Race 2:

1. Gary Blanarik
2. Tyler Hunter
3. Stevan Davis

Re: Mid Ohio "PRO" FV

Posted: July 6th, 2014, 8:36 pm
by brian
Sunday's race expanded on Saturday's success with a faster and tighter grid taking the green. Today, Gary Blanarik really put his head down and lead the entire race. Behind him, Stevan Davis, Tyler Hunter and Brandon Abbott swapped 2nd back and forth. Brother Andrew held 4th for the entire race. Kerry Bowman ran a solid 5th with Dale Rader broke away from the 11 car pack to finish 6th. The second pack proved very exciting with lots of passing and folks moving from the front to the back of the pack. Sherman Engler led early while Bruce Livermore, David Satterly and Laura Hayes all took turns leading the pace. The very impressive "nebie" Laura Hayes took the lead for the checker. 23 cars took the checker with only two DNF's.

Re: Mid Ohio "PRO" FV

Posted: July 6th, 2014, 9:16 pm
by jpetillo
Brian, thanks for the update. I was really sorry to miss it. John