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website hosting

Posted: January 16th, 2011, 1:15 pm
by fvkartguy
For those of you with a website, what service did you use? GoDaddy? And how much space did you end up using? Is 10GB enough?
I've been playing around with iweb and now have a pretty decent site that I'd like to get on the interwebbings, but not sure how.
Any input would be appreciated!

Re: website hosting

Posted: January 16th, 2011, 6:25 pm
by DanRemmers
Your best bet is to shop around. It takes a long time, but you can find good deals. We have a domain for our family website, and it's pretty cheap (ICDSoft). If you plan on storing large files--video and such--you'll need lots of storage space. But video is easy to post on youtube and just link to it. The other issue is customer service, but it's a total crap shoot. Even the biggest, most popular hosts can have bad customer service. The cheaper places are usually cheap because they don't have good or readily available customer service. If you're the type of person who needs good customer service, look around for favorable comments from other customers.

Re: website hosting

Posted: January 16th, 2011, 7:15 pm
by FV80
I use - they are one of the cheapest out there and have been "acceptable" - meaning, about equal to any others I've used in the past. I also have a couple of sites on GoDaddy - they are also fine, but cost a little more (I took over an existing hosting). The site space on 1and1 has been more than adequate for some 20 or so sites - some with some video on them and quite a few pix on all. If you plan to host EVERY video you take, then you need to keep track of your usage - they eat up space pretty fast. If you have just a "regular" racing type site - say 10 pages or less and ..say 200 pictures or less, then you really don't need to worry about space allocations. You also probably don't need to worry about bandwidth limitations - they really only apply to online commerce sites that get >10,000 hits per day.

I suggest you start with the cheapest thing out there (probably 1and1, but there might be a couple more in that price range). It's not that difficult to move if you need to in the future.

Also - if you already have a website somewhere, you can often just REGISTER your URL (again, 1and1 is one of the cheapest ... uh, least expensive.. out there) - you can even point to a sub directory if you use 1and1 as the registrar - not all registrants offer that service.

Steve, FV80

Re: website hosting

Posted: January 16th, 2011, 9:50 pm
by fv22
I use a company called Total Choice, located at for a few small sites I have and always rave about them. You can find them at They are very cheap, my main site costs just $4 monthly. They VERY RARELY, have a problem but when they do you submit a trouble ticket and someone gets back to you within minutes, they help in words you can understand and will take whatever time is needed to get you up and running. They also have a forum at that can answer your questions before you become a customer and after. I am not related to them in any way nor do I get anything off of them getting new customers I'm just a very satisfied customer for the last 6 or 7 years. The $4 dollar package is more than you will need, especially if you post your videos at youtube and just embed the code into your pages.

Re: website hosting

Posted: January 18th, 2011, 7:37 pm
by Hal
What are you going to be using it for? I have two websites through SmugMug for my photography, this one is Speed Shots by Hal Adkins. They have lots of room, are good to work with, all by email of course. I think it is $150 a year, that is a pro account, regular ones will be cheaper. You do all your own work, uploading and such so have total control. I think it is mostly for people displaying pics and vids.


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Re: website hosting

Posted: January 19th, 2011, 8:34 pm
by fvkartguy
Thanks for all of the input!
Finally got my site up and I'm pretty excited about it!