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Intake manifold...

Posted: October 29th, 2010, 3:30 pm
by JimC
I got this engine (more info in classifieds) with Noble heads. It may -or not- be the real thing. I have found that the VW build date was April 1964 but without cracking the case, there's not too much I can discover besides what is obvious/visible. I was told that true FV engines used an intake manifold where the heat risers were removed - mine are.

Question: does the stamp WE 314 ..which is on the flange below the carb signify anything or I.D. its origin? Thanks.


Re: Intake manifold...

Posted: October 29th, 2010, 4:19 pm
by Dietmar

That came from Jim Wild ( Wild Ent.) . Might want to have it flow tested to see what you have- if not, at least you know you have a manifold that has been upgraded from stock.
Hope this helps


Re: Intake manifold...

Posted: October 29th, 2010, 5:21 pm
by JimC
.... Cool. Superficially, it seems that the sum of its parts might be something... Thanks Dietmar.


Re: Intake manifold...

Posted: October 29th, 2010, 9:26 pm
by Dietmar

You are welcome.

You might also check the carb - area where the two halves come together for some markings.

And for best results, flow testing should be done with carb AND manifold.


Re: Intake manifold...

Posted: November 1st, 2010, 2:31 pm
by ajax
I'm not certain how much you are looking to get for your older vee engine? But it seems you are not a long standing FV fan, so a little history here could be important for you to know? Because FV has remained a stable SCCA class using the same ole VW1200 engine for the last 40 years, and during this time, in some other vintage classes, engines have gained value. This does not seem true in FV, as time marched on builders have found ways to get more power from the same old bits, so to most, an older engine is just a slower engine and will likely need a lot of updating. Even in vintage groups there is very little that can be pointed at as not legal that would keep a newly build engine slightly back dated to vintage rules (fan & generator) out of a vintage vee, so even us vintage vee guys show little interest in a vintage engine, except it "might" be a good starting point in a new project? Best of luck.

Re: Intake manifold...

Posted: November 3rd, 2010, 10:54 am
by JimC
Ajax: 100% .. I understand; it's an old engine. I have no illusions beyond it is not some old, stock take-out. Thanks for the reality check.


Re: Intake manifold...

Posted: November 3rd, 2010, 1:06 pm
by ajax
I could never pick winners either! I overlooked all them old obsolete Shelby Mustangs and 289 Cobras, cause that FV racing always looked like so much more fun! So now all I have is old FV race cars that are worth about what they were when they were new at 5 thousand, when I should have gotten that old Cobra which is now worth a cool million four!

Re: Intake manifold...

Posted: November 6th, 2010, 3:56 pm
by JimC
Mee too .. I passed on a Bill Thomas CHEETAH.
[ external image ]

I had three kids .. the car was in AZ .. me in Madison Wisconsin. ..and $7500. was a stretch for something that would get me arrested. I remember it - like it was yesterday. Oh well..
