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Opinion on blocks

Posted: June 24th, 2009, 10:33 pm
by 1969zeitler
I have 2 complete 40 HP engines. Both are 1964 with the code 8 stamped on the block. Both have had cam bearings fitted. 1 is stock 10mm heads studs, the other has case savers with 8mm studs. Both cases are still uncut and don't have any wear. I also have a 1971 dual relief case that is good shape. Which of these would you build? Is the later case really that much better than the 40HP cases even if they have cam inserts and case savers? thanks?

Re: Opinion on blocks

Posted: June 25th, 2009, 12:26 pm
by SR Racing
I would use the later dual relief. Along with it being a dual relief which is good in itself, it probably has larger webbing on the journals. It is also 8mm studs with savers which is also better. So it is a better choice, assuming it is straight.

Re: Opinion on blocks

Posted: July 1st, 2009, 11:46 pm
by 1969zeitler
Thanks Jim. Figured the newer block would be better. Appreciate the answer.